All our products on this website are subject to these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
- We own the copyright on all our products. Any material contained in our products or website may not be reproduced in any form or used without the express written permission of the owner of the website.
It is the policy of Our website that all matters related to Our website are confidential. This confidentiality will end with the consent of our clients, or where there is an overriding public interest, or where we are required by law to disclose, including where the information concerns illegality, gross immorality or misconduct.
You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. If you do not give consent or withdraw consent then we will not be able to provide you with the services. Visiting our website would provide certain data to us, some of which will be stored for evaluating the demand for our services, pattern of use, keywords, browsers used, the referral source, your IP address, date and time of use. This is helpful in tailoring our services to our patients. The data may be stored encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. We strictly do not provide your medical information to any third parties not authorised per this terms and conditions.
We communicate with you in terms of receiving or sending the data including the medical imagines, documents and new report generated by our doctors to you via your chosen system You must be informed that use of certain emails such as Google, Yahoo, Hot mail etc might be associated with certain security risk including be intercepted illegally. If you chose to use of these methods it would completely at your risk.
It is your responsibility to submit the data to us in full. Any loss of data through submission will be completely your responsibility. We do not share, sell any personal information to third parties except what is defined by law.
There might be some third-party web sites linked to our website (for example patient support societies, etc). We do not pass any of your personal information to any of these websites. If you choose to use third parties websites, you are subject to their terms and conditions.
The data is stored within European Economic Area (EEA) but I consent that my personal data may be processed or stored outside of EEA by patients and by other Healthcare Providers that may operate outside of EEA. Without this consent we are unable to provide the service and you cannot be registered with us.
The second opinion or therapeutic advice suggested to you is merely provisional with certain limitations. This must NOT be used as a replacement for your standard routine or long-term care.